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How to make yourself more employable on a yacht as Junior crew

1. Certificates – always upskilling

It’s important to continue to grow and develop your skill set in yachting. As yachts grow in size, more and more of our clients are asking for candidates with a skill. This could be anything from a floristry course to being a dive instructor. Some certificates are obviously more achievable in a short time frame, however, it is worth investing time and money into your career and CV. For junior crew, this is more important than ever in order to make yourself more employable.

2. CV

This may seem obvious, however, we see CVs every day that hold inaccurate information, spelling/grammar mistakes and formatting errors! Your CV is generally your first point of contact with a future employer and in a world where attention to detail is crucial, not having proofread your CV is a huge mistake!

If English isn’t your strongest subject or perhaps not your first language it is vitally important to get at least two other people to critique it. Whilst at Quay Crew, we aren’t particularly fussy as to how it is laid out, it is essential to make sure it is consistent throughout!

3. Your photo

Again, your picture gives off a first impression. It is worth spending the money and having a professional picture taken. Depending on where you are based, there is usually someone advertising on Antibes/FL/Palma yacht crew Facebook groups offering their services for this. The difference is great between a professional photo with the right lighting to a selfie taken on a phone!

This attention to detail also shows you are committed to presenting yourself in the best way possible!

4. Being realistic in your job search

This is one of my biggest bugbears! It is important as a greenie that you are aware of your abilities and you are therefore realistic! Applying for 2nd Stew roles / Lead Deck roles etc when you have barely learnt your port from your starboard is (generally speaking) a waste of time! (yours and ours).

Ambition is great but being able to walk before you can run is essential in this industry! Equally, only being interested in a job on a busy charter yacht which is offering rotation just isn’t going to happen for 95% of you in your first job.

5. References

As and when you leave a job, check what the reference situation is. Discuss this with your employer and check that they are happy to be contacted for a verbal reference. Written references are great and certainly better than nothing but for us at Quay Crew but we really like to discuss you as a person and your work abilities verbally, whenever possible!

6. Social media

This, you would think is a given but you would be amazed at how many people have open Facebook/Instagram accounts that don’t paint them in the best light!

We all love a good night out, however, drunken pictures, inappropriate photos or posts don’t do you any favours when gaining new employment. It’s essential to make your accounts private and try and keep your profile pictures decent.

7. Relevant work experience

Entering the yachting industry is hard with or without additional skills. In the run-up to starting your career, it is a great idea to try and broaden your work experience. Whether this is helping out at your local shipyard on the weekend or teaching English in India etc. Doing something that makes you stand out, shows willingness and a different side to your personality will make you more employable!

8. Researching the industry

In this day and age of technology, there is no excuse for not being armed with information! There are lots of forums on the internet, especially Facebook where you can ask questions and get advice from industry professionals (expect the occasional rude/ignorant reply!).

At an interview, you should know the basic terminology, seasons, yachting hubs and have spoken to as many people as you can to get a good understanding of what is going to be expected of you.

9. Be nice

Being polite & friendly goes a long way! Ensure you are always polite to everyone you meet, be it virtually or in person. Your first impression could make all the difference as to whether you land that dream job or not…

How to make yourself more employable on a yacht as Junior crew

About the author

Caroline Clarke

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